Certified German Translation
What is a Certified German Translation Service
The Certified German Translation (or sworn German translation) is the official translation, accepted at an international level with legal value, and so, the professional who executes it, by excellence, is recognized to issue a Sworn German Translation.
For original documents written in German to be valid in Brazil, it needs to go through a sworn translation. On the other hand, when a Brazilian person has plans to live in Germany or other countries where the official language is German, like Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, there is the same need. To have a Certified Translation in German, consult the price; it is performed by a Sworn Public Translator, which means the translations signed by this translator are public documents with international legal value.

Any document issued in Brazil which is destined to a country of German language must go through the process of sworn translation in German.
A document in Portuguese will not be valid. Likewise, documents issued in German need to be translated into Portuguese in order to be valid in Brazil. At Espanglish Translations
our company has a great team of certified German translators to assist you.
Price of a Certified Translation
The price of Sworn German Translation will depend on the volume of the text and type of document. We have simple and specific German documents. Lauda is the name of the measurement unit of the text, which is equivalent to one thousand characters.
Commercial Interpreter and Certified German Translator.
Ask for a Quote! Do you know the price per lauda of a translation? Whenever you need a sworn German translator, ask for a quote by WhatsApp. We are here for you!
Sworn translation in São Paulo branch
São Paulo
Rua: Av. Paulista, 726 – Sala 1202 Bairro: Bela Vista Cidade: São Paulo/ SP 01310-910Sworn translation in Belo Horizonte branch
Belo Horizonte
Rua: Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1435, Sala 708 Bairro: Savassi Cidade: Belo Horizonte/ MG 30130-138Sworn Translation in Salvador Branch
Rua: Avenida Tancredo Neves, 2539, Sala 2609 - CEO Salvador - Shopping Torre Londres Bairro: Caminho das Árvores Cidade: Salvador/ BA 41820-021Sworn Translation in Recife Branch
Rua: Av. República do Líbano, n° 251, sala 2205 - Torre A - Empresarial RioMar Trade Center Bairro: Pina Cidade: Recife/ PE 51110-160Sworn Translation in Rio de Janeiro Branch
Rio de Janeiro
Rua: Ed. Sul América, Rua da Quitanda, 86, 2º andar Bairro: Centro Cidade: Rio de Janeiro/ RJ 20091-902Sworn Translation in Fortaleza Branch
Rua: R. Monsenhor Bruno, 1153 - Sala 1423 Bairro: Aldeota Cidade: Fortaleza/ CE 60115-191Sworn Translation in Campinas Branch
Rua: Av. Norte/Sul, 1073. Paralelo à Rua Comendador Torlogo Dauntre, 74 – Sala 1207 Bairro: Cambuí Cidade: Campinas/ SP 13025-270Sworn Translation in Manaus Branch
Rua: Edifício The Place Business Center, sala 612 - Rua Belo Horizonte, 09 Bairro: Adrianópolis Cidade: Manaus/ AMSworn Translation in Brasília Branch
Rua: SCRS 516, Bloco B, 69, CRS 516 Bairro: Asa Sul Cidade: Brasília/ DF 70381-525Sworn Translation in Porto Alegre Branch
Porto Alegre
Rua: Avenida Carlos Gomes, 700, sala 606, 5º andar Bairro: Boa Vista Cidade: Porto Alegre/ RS 90480-000Sworn Translation in Curitiba Branch
Rua: Rua Prof. Álvaro Jorge, 1227 - sobrado Bairro: Vila Izabel Cidade: Curitiba/ PR 80320-040