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Technical Translation

When hiring a technical translation service, it is necessary to know its main characteristics. Clarify your doubts:

What is a technical translation?

A Technical Translation can be of two types: sworn or not sworn. It covers different specific areas, considering the nomenclature of topics such as: Railway Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Aviation, Accounting, Advertising and Marketing, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Automobile, Naval, Legal and Financial.

Technical Translation

Due to this complexity, the technical translator not only needs to master the language, but also needs to know about the subject of the document, and also have detailed knowledge on the topic and on the terminology used in each area and on each target language. For example, a technical manual presents a totally different lexicon than the one used to prepare a legal contract or a doctorate degree in Accounting.

We have vast experience in medical translation, having in our team of professionals, doctors who graduated abroad.

Main segments for the technical translator:

  • Business
  • Food and Beverages
  • Auditing
  • Automobile
  • Consulting
  • Ecology
  • Economics
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Entertainment
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Financial
  • Industry and Commerce
  • Bids
  • Technical Manuals
  • Marketing
  • Mechanics
  • Medicine
  • Metallurgy
  • Mining
  • Patents
  • Research and Technology
  • Oil and Gas
  • Chemical
  • Human Resources
  • Port Sector
  • Steel Industry
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Telecommunications
  • Transports
  • Machining

How much does it cost to translate a technical text?

There are some important points to consider when quoting a technical translation:


The amount of text contained in the original document.


The language to be translated.


The urgency fee necessary in some cases.

Is there a difference between free translation (simple) and technical translation?

The difference between simple translation and technical translation is all about the subject and vocabulary. The free translation is the one used for simpler subjects. We can use as an example the narrative of a comic book, a literature book, or a letter.

But we need the technical translation in some sector’s specific topics, such as technical manuals or scientific articles.

Do you need technical translation services? Do you have any doubts? Contact us to request your quote or pay us a visit in the Sao Paulo translation branch, or the one nearest you! You can find the best technical translator for your job at Espanglish Translations. Two hundred professionals of different segments are available for your translation needs.

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